The Hundred

6 Feb

This is a fantastic exercise for your stomach muscles.

Start this exercise lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, your arms are down by your side and your hands are facing downwards. Your pelvis should be in neutral. 

 Bring your chin to your chest and lift your head, neck and shoulders off the mat so that you can see your knees. Lift your arms and keeping your body steady, start to beat your arms in small movements. Try to beat five times for each in breath and five times for each out breath.

If you are ready to move on to the next stage, try this exercise with your feet off the mat and your knees bent. When you have mastered that, try moving on to level three and straighten out your legs as in this photo.

The Roll Down

29 Jan

This is a lovely exercise for back health.
Start from standing with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees soft. Tuck your chin in and start a slow steady roll down. There’s no need to push this, you will go as far as your muscles will allow. This should be comfortable and easy.  Hold for three slow deep breaths and roll up slowly. Repeat three times.